Highlight and Matters arising from Episode 126 of the SERVICOM Help Desk Radio Programme.

The Episode 126 of the SERVICOM Help desk Radio Programme held on the 2nd of March 2021. The National Coordinator/Chief Executive of SERVICOM, Mrs Nnenna  Akajemeli  and  the Public Awareness Manager, Mrs Henrietta  Okokon were in the studio, the  NC thanked  Brekete Family  and commented on the biting issue of Fuel Scarcity in the country and said that it is a service failure on the part of the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), Nigerians therefore demand an explanation and expect improvement because some fuel stations are selling at a higher prices and a lot of man hour is been lost.

Today we came to talk about the Importance of Information the NC said, when we give out information it will help to build trust, improve relationships, business enhancement  and  productivity, she therefore used the medium to call on DPR to give out information concerning the present situation.

Mr Indaba Adams Usman, the DPR SERVICOM Unit officer in the office of the Director responded through a call and said that current situation is an artificial scarcity and that their Men are on the field to check and monitor the various Fuel Stations, if anyone is found liable they will penalise or shut them down and if necessary revoke their Licences.


There were no issues needing SERVICOM’s follow up.


Mrs Henrietta Okokon

Public Awareness Manager.

Highlight and Matters arising from Episode 133 of the SERVICOM Help Desk Radio Programme.

The Episode 133 of the SERVICOM Help desk Radio Programme held on the 20th of April 2021. The  National Coordinator/Chief Executive of SERVICOM, Mrs  Nnenna  Akajemeli  accompanied by the  Public  Awareness  Manager  Mrs Henrietta  Okokon  and Mr Ben Olofu  of the Operations Unit where in the studio. She thanked the Ordinary President for remaining a worthy Nigerian through the services he renders and the lives he touches. Mr Ben spoke on; How to Close Service  Delivery  Gaps in other to Drive Service Improvement in Ministries  Department and Agencies’  which is a continuation of last week’s  topic .

Service delivery gaps are the differences between what is contained in a service charter and the actual service rendered, it’s also a failure to meet customer’s expectation as contained in their service charter, Mr Ben said. A policy statement of what an organisation does is called a service charter, therefore there are lots of expectation by customers and when it’s not met, we consider it as a Gap in the servicer delivery process, he added

Gaps can be identified through feedback mechanism, evaluations  by experts  and complaints  from customers, unfortunately most MDA’s don’t have time for this complaints and reporting system, its only when this is done that the identified Gaps can be closed, Mr Ben therefore pleaded with MDA’s  to listen to customers complaint in other to identify the service delivery Gaps and treat the customers as Kings.

The NC added that the various gaps are evidences that the needs and expectations of the customers have not been met, it is therefore important for service providers to position themselves to attend to customers by reviewing their processes, the customers will come to give a feedback when they are satisfied with the service.  She advised  Customers  to complain and  use platforms like; social media, phone calls and  physical contact so that services can improve, she concluded that service givers should make their processes accessible for receiving  services.


There were no emerging  issues  for  SERVICOM  Office to handle.

Henrietta Okokon (Mrs)

Public Awareness Manager.

Highlight and Matters arising from Episode 137 of the SERVICOM Help Desk Radio Programme.

The Episode 137 of the SERVICOM help desk Radio programme held on the 18th of May 2021,Mrs  Ngozi Akinbodewa, a Team Leader  in the Operations  Unit and  Mr Tony  Ochelebe  of  the Public Awareness Unit  where in the Studio to discuss effective service delivery issues with Nigerians.

Mrs Ngozi spoke on Effective Complaints Handling and its Impact on the life of the Citizens  and said people have been walking away from Brekete Family happy because their complaint are been resolve and that is what we want to see in SERVICOM office. Complaints comes in a way to help service providers improve on their services, do not see complainants as problematic but critical friends that are given you free consultancy she said.

When you satisfy a complainant, you have found for yourself a loyal friend for life, a customer can go out and tell about a hundred people when their  complaints are resolved, therefore we in the  SERVICOM office are happy when complaint are resolved because it will lead to a better Nigeria.


There was no emerging  issues  for SERVICOM to handle or attend to.


Mrs Henrietta Okokon

Public Awareness Manager.

Highlight and Matters arising from Episode 136 of the SERVICOM Help Desk Radio Programme.

The Episode 136 of the SERVICOM help desk Radio programme held on the 11th of May 2021, The National Coordinator/Chief Executive of SERVICOM, Mrs  Nnenna  Akajemeli  and  the public Awareness  Manager, Mrs Henrietta  Okokon  accompanied by Mr Tony  Ochelebe  where in the Studio to enlighten  Nigerians on the importance of service delivery. The NC said this help desk programme brings service  providers  and  service  takers  together  to engage and in turn has a lot of benefit will lead to better  services delivery.

Most of the complaints harvested from MDA’s are getting a lot of attention and mere calls can bring a lot of solutions to a service takers complaints, therefore listening to service takers complaints can help and organisation to be more responsive to the processes of service delivery in their MDA, the NC said.

Mr Tony Ochelebe gave update on some of the complaints harvested and resolved in the SERVICOM office as follows: 1. Mr Daniel Audu of the Nigerian Army (non-payment of benefit from voluntary retirement) resolved. 2. Mr Uche with an NHIS related complaint was resolved. 3. Religious instructors from Jos complained of unlawful termination of appointment, the matter is still pending. 4. CAC related complaint has also been resolved. 5. A complainant with a private company related issue has been resolved. 6. Oluwatoyin complaint about transcript in OAU has been resolved. 7. Mr Abutu Sunday’s complaints concerning transcript has been resolved.8. Dr. Ado’s bank related complaint has also been resolved.


There was no emerging  issues  for SERVICOM to handle or attend to.


Mrs Henrietta Okokon

Public Awareness Manager.

Highlight and Matters arising from Episode 135 of the SERVICOM Help Desk Radio Programme.

The Episode 135 of the SERVICOM help desk Radio programme held on the 4th of May 2021, The National Coordinator/Chief Executive of SERVICOM, Mrs Nnenna  Akajemeli  and  the public Awareness  Manager, Mrs Henrietta  Okokon  accompanied by Mr Tony Ochelebe  where in the Studio to enlighten  Nigerians on the importance of service delivery.

The National Coordinator lends her voice to the prevailing security challenges in the country and said those with that responsibility should provide the service as the Kidnap of the various students shows colossal service failure, she appealed to them for improvement to serve the citizens and think out of the box in other to bring trust into the system so as to have peace in the nation, she further stated that ‘’there is too much blood shed in the country’’ and the situation is now critical, she therefore ask the security agencies to increase their strategy in tackling the issue so that things can be better for everyone in the country.


There was no  emerging  issues  for SERVICOM to handle or attend to.


Mrs Henrietta Okokon

Public Awareness Manager.

Highlight and Matters arising from Episode 134 of the SERVICOM Help Desk Radio Programme.

The Episode 134 of the SERVICOM help desk Radio programme held on the 27th of April 2021, The National Coordinator/Chief Executive of SERVICOM, Mrs Nnenna  Akajemeli  and  the public Awareness  Manager, Mrs Henrietta  Okokon accompanied by Mr Tony Ochelebe  where in the Studio to enlighten  Nigerians on the importance of effective service delivery in MDA’s and  Nigeria entirely.

However, there was no time for them to speak  to Nigerians due to many  crucial issues  in the studio.


There was no emerging  issues  for SERVICOM to handle or attend to.



Mrs Henrietta Okokon

Public Awareness Manager.

Highlight and Matters arising from Episode 133 of the SERVICOM Help Desk Radio Programme.

The Episode 133 of the SERVICOM Help desk Radio Programme held on the 20th of April 2021. The  National Coordinator/Chief Executive of SERVICOM, Mrs  Nnenna  Akajemeli  accompanied by the  Public  Awareness  Manager  Mrs Henrietta  Okokon  and Mr Ben Olofu  of the Operations Unit where in the studio. She thanked the Ordinary President for remaining a worthy Nigerian through the services he renders and the lives he touches. Mr Ben spoke on; How to Close Service  Delivery  Gaps in other to Drive Service Improvement in Ministries  Department and Agencies’  which is a continuation of last week’s  topic .

Service delivery gaps are the differences between what is contained in a service charter and the actual service rendered, it’s also a failure to meet customer’s expectation as contained in their service charter, Mr Ben said. A policy statement of what an organisation does is called a service charter, therefore there are lots of expectation by customers and when it’s not met, we consider it as a Gap in the servicer delivery process, he added

Gaps can be identified through feedback mechanism, evaluations  by experts  and complaints  from customers, unfortunately most MDA’s don’t have time for this complaints and reporting system, its only when this is done that the identified Gaps can be closed, Mr Ben therefore pleaded with MDA’s  to listen to customers complaint in other to identify the service delivery Gaps and treat the customers as Kings.

The NC added that the various gaps are evidences that the needs and expectations of the customers have not been met, it is therefore important for service providers to position themselves to attend to customers by reviewing their processes, the customers will come to give a feedback when they are satisfied with the service.  She advised  Customers  to complain and  use platforms like; social media, phone calls and  physical contact so that services can improve, she concluded that service givers should make their processes accessible for receiving  services.


There were no emerging  issues  for  SERVICOM  Office to handle.

Highlight and Matters arising from Episode 132 of the SERVICOM Help Desk Radio Programme.

The Episode 132 of the SERVICOM Help desk Radio Programme held on the 13th of April 2021. The Public  Awareness  Manager  Mrs Henrietta  Okokon  and Mrs Tenenge  Nyepira  of the Operations Unit where in the studio. The  Public  Awareness  Manager   appreciated  the Ordinary  President  and gave the topic of the day as How to Close Service Delivery  Gaps in other to Drive Service Improvement in Ministries  Department and Agencies,  She further stated that SERVICOM Office wants to see visible improvement  and intervention  of Service Charters and to work with the Ministerial SERVICOM Units.(MSU) in MDA’s to attain this.

Mrs Tenenge said that when Customers go with an expectation to any service window and after  receiving  service discovers there are gaps showing  the customer is not satisfied, that is what SERVICOM wants  to close. MDA’s can close this gaps by noting the customers actual need and calling a stakeholders meetings periodically to further explain to the customers their immediate challenges in other  to calm them down, she added.

Service givers should always take note of customer’s complaint  as this shows  there are gaps in the service delivery processes of that organisation that needs to be resolve and improved upon their processes.


There were no  emerging  issues  for  SERVICOM  Office to treat.


Henrietta Okokon (Mrs)

Public Awareness Manager.

Highlight and Matters arising from Episode 130 of the SERVICOM Help Desk Radio Programme.

The Episode 130 of the SERVICOM Help desk Radio Programme held on the 30th of March 2021 the had Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as it’s guest. The National Coordinator/Chief Executive of SERVICOM, Mrs Nnenna  Akajemeli  and Mr Tony Ochelebe where in the  studio, the National Coordinator  appreciated Consultant IKe and  Barrister Pamela for doing a good job and also extended her warm regards to the Ordinary President and the entire  Brekete  Family and said the partnership and collaboration has brought results to the service delivery processes of the Government  and citizens are now aware of their right.

Mrs Oga Agatha, SERVICOM SEC  Nodal  Officer  and  Mrs Stella Adateme came as SEC representatives, Mrs Stella said the Commission has an Investment and Security Act of 2007 with aim of protecting  investors and to having a level playing field in the capital market and to guard against systemic risk, we also have a Capital Market Master Plan to assist in Complaint  Management and improve on our monitoring.

Complaints can be channelled to the Company and to the Commission, she added. A department known as market relations has been set up in the Commission to look into complaints from investors and we can be reached through our Social Media Handle as follows: Twitter: @secnigeria, @sec.gov.ng, PMB 315 Garki – Abuja, the office address is at Central Business District Abuja, facebook: securitiesandexchangecommissionnigeria , Email: sec@sec.gov.ng, 094621168, www.sec.gov.ng, she advised citizens to call or check their website if a company is registered before venturing into any investment business to avoid unpleasant  stories at the long run.

The NC promised to interface with NDIC, Immigrations and Diaspora Commission based on some complaints raised.

Henrietta Okokon (Mrs)

Public Awareness Manager.

Highlight and Matters arising from Episode 129 of the SERVICOM Help Desk Radio Programme.

The Episode 129 of the SERVICOM Help desk Radio Programme held on the 23rd of March 2021. The National Coordinator/Chief Executive of SERVICOM,  Mrs  Nnenna  Akajemeli , the Public Awareness  Manager, Mrs Henrietta  Okokon  and  Mrs Nneka Ole were present in the studio, the National Coordinator extended her warm regards to the Ordinary President and entire  Brekete  Family and said Promoting Accountability in Ministries  Department  and Agencies was the Topic for the day.

Mrs Nneka  spoke extensibly  on the above topic and said SERVICOM is a social contract between the Federal Government and Nigerian Citizens  therefore all MDA’s are accountable to their core customers, the core components that drive service delivery are;  1. Service  delivery, 2. Timeliness,  3. Information  dissemination,  4. Professionalism, 5. Staff attitude, it is the responsibility staff to carry this out, accountability is therefore how staff of an office carry out their responsibility without inducement , pleading or prompting to the best of his ability or recognising his responsibility.

The fear of failure, unclear expectations, lack of engagements  also make people to run away from accountability hence having a vision statement will help the organisation gain the desired result, Mrs Nneka  said. Organisations can further engage  their  staff  through  meetings  discussions thereby making it easy to share responsibility and be accountable for work done. Accountability brings about trust and learning from our mistakes helps the organisation and the country to grow, she added.

Involving employees in goal setting also help the organisation irrespective of the grade level and having a  clear  and  measurable  expectation  helps  in  accountability, Mrs Nneka said. Resources also play a vital role either  human, capital or technological as this will help drive service delivery in that organisation. Mrs Nneka appealed to the Nigerian Police to let information to the public concerning some of their officers who’s benefits are pending to avoid doubts and speculations acknowledging the fact that every organisation has it own challenges.

Part of being accountable means taking ownership, the National Coordinator said as this will help the customers understand  were your challenges are there by building trust and improvement in the service delivery processes of  the Nigerian Police.


There were no emerging issues needing  SERVICOM’s  attention


Henrietta Okokon (Mrs)

Public Awareness Manager.