Highlight of Episode 100 of the SERVICOM Help Desk Radio Programme.
The Episode 100 of the SERVICOM help desk Radio programme Held on the 3rd of December 2019 and featured the representatives of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS). The National Coordinator /Chief Executive of SERVICOM, Mrs Nnenna Akajemeli was represented by the Head of Operation, Mrs Jumai Abdullahi and Mr Tony Ochelebe. Mr Abdulsalam Umar, Assistant General Manager SERVICOM in NHIS and Mr Ewerem Kingsley, Senior Officer ICT/Customer Care came as representatives of NHIS.
Mrs Jumai said to day is our 100 Episode of the SERVICOM Help Desk Programme and thanked Brekete Family, the Ordinary President on behalf of the National Coordinator for the support they have been given SERVICOM. We have succeeded in speaking to Nigerians and tell them about their Rights. We have brought different organisations to tell Nigerians what they do.
Chef Fatima brought a Cake for SERVICOM to celebrate it 100 Episode. Mr Tony recounted the challenges faced while responding to concerns from complainants, series of calls and how citizens call with complaint that do not even relate to SERVICOM’s mandates, the sleepless night etc, and said the 100th Episode was worth celebrating. Mrs Jumai said it has been a beautiful experience but we will not be quick to praise ourselves rather those that benefited from the services should.
Mrs Jumai said the National Coordinator is an extra-ordinary person, stating that her subordinates try to catch-up with her most times and she does not leave anybody behind that is why despite her absence there is no vacancy, she said they must come and tell Nigerians SERVICOM is there for them, they should continue to come to us because we are ready and open.
“We don’t delay in responding to complaints and many people have benefited from SERVICOM, even those that thought their cases were hopeless have had their cases resolved. The National Coordinator uses her strength, resources and staff to get things done, she has personalised the issue of complaint resolution in Nigeria” she said.
The Ordinary President took time to shower encomium on the SERVICOM office, he appreciated the National Coordinator, the pro-active people working with her, he thanked the staffs, securities and cleaners and said SERVICOM have even resolved issues outside this country. Mrs Jumai appreciated the Ordinary President for what he has been doing for SERVICOM, the various MDA’s and said when call them they come. She appreciated the desk officers and those working at the background to achieve the success story we are telling today. She appreciated those that gave cake’s to SERVICOM for the celebration.
Mr Umar said NHIS was established by act 35 of the 1999 constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria, NHIS is a social health programme that the government designed to complement the sources of financing the health sector and mainly to ensure that all Nigerian have access to health care service. He added that they have been able to cover millions of Nigerians, the whole idea is for universal health coverage that at the end of the day, each Nigerian will be able to access health coverage with very little amount of money.
NHIS is 20years based on the act; part of what we do in NHIS SERVICOM unit is to see how the enrolee’s and Nigerians perceive our services and results have been good, Mr Umar said. We have 3 offices in Abuja and enrolees can meet us there, on feedback mechanism, every MDA have a complaint procedure which is the grievance redress mechanism, NHIS visit health maintenance organisations (HMO) whose main aim is to facilitate access to health care service for those that contribute to NHIS.
Mr. Umar who said there are have 55 HMOs registered with NHIS also advised customers to try resolving their grievances at the level of the HMOs before escalating to NHIS if such grievances are not resolved.
While responding to allegation the SERVICOM Officers are given preferential treatment at service points, Mr Tony said no SERVICOM Officer discloses his/her identity at service point for the purpose of mystery shopping. Mrs Jumai said she goes for mystery shopping and sees a lot of things; NHIS should improve in their policies, take feedback to management and improve on their service.
Mr Umar said they regulate HMOs and take complaints from enrolees and act on them. He further said that their job is a shared responsibility between the citizens and NHIS.
Citizens/enrolee could checkout NHIS’ website: www.nhis.gov.ng and send mails to: email- em@nhisnigeria.org.